Testosterone is a sexual hormone in the males which is found naturally in the body.

Herbal best male enlargement testosterone booster supplements have become quite popular these days. However, when the shots of testosterone or synthetic chemicals is taken to enhance the production of testosterone or regulate the flow of serotonin, it can cause artificial increase in the level of testosterone in body and this can be harmful to the body. It is recommended for men experiencing the problem of low testosterone to stop consuming junk food and start eating healthy instead; consume a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables so that the body has enough antioxidants, and also eat foods like tuna, eggs, milk, cereals etc., that boost the overall nutrient quota in the body.

In the recent times, people have started becoming more aware about sexual health related problems and have realized that their issues of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation in bed could also possibly be linked to low testosterone in the body. A short-term combined administration of Growth Hormone and Testosterone in older men elevates serum concentrations, improves selected facets of physical performance, and increases muscle IGF-I gene expression without measurably changing body composition or muscle strength or inducing clinically adverse events. Besides, people suffering from the problem of loss of libido because of insufficient testosterone, and erectile dysfunction can improve their health by using these supplements regularly.

A 2011 study in Edinburgh found that pomegranate juice can lower cortisol levels, which can mean increased testosterone and therefore increased libido in both men and women. Not only is it the most phallic of all the fruits, it also contains potassium and B vitamins that boost sex-hormone production and can give you energy, which is always useful when you're looking to get lucky. While men can opt for testosterone therapy, there are many things men can do to increase levels of testosterone in the body through natural and healthy means.

Another study reported that despite its role in testosterone production, supplementing aspartic acid fails to boost testosterone, muscle building or exercise performance. Take a daily zinc supplement containing no less than 11 mg of zinc per day; this is the dose recommended by the USDA for men over 50. Even a moderate zinc deficiency can cause your testosterone levels to plummet. ZMA, on the other hand, increases the body's testosterone production by boosting anabolic hormone levels.

Testosterone supplements are generally not recommended for use by anyone under the age of 25 because that group's testosterone levels are already at optimum levels for muscle growth. In a 2004 study published in the "Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism," researchers found that increasing peak testosterone levels to between 400 and 500 percent above baseline in subjects resulted in a significant increase in sexual arousability over placebo subjects.